April 01, 2010


Trip to Minot
Going to Minot, ND is our little get-away. Only an hour and a half from our home, there's tones to do, a taste of 'the city' and great shopping. Our family has been going there since before I was born on these weekend trips. We feel at home here at this Holiday Inn hotel, we love it here.
The only thing missing was our friends & Calgary neighbors The Chibrys who were going to travel for a visit, but are in the process of a move. Sad they couldn't make it, but understand they are very busy. We miss them alot!
Family dinner at the hotel restaurant with everyone
Including my Grandfather and Aunt Michelle
Boy cousins against...
The girl cousins!

Patiently waiting to go in the pool.
Finally, the kids get to go swimming...they had so much fun!
Those are some HAPPY kiddos!

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