Hannah, Darrin & Carter...blowing out the candles!

Poolside at the O'Dowd residence

Hannah, Carter, Ace & Starr

Ace riding a palm tree...what a kid!?!
Cory, Daisy, Pieter, Cam, Jarilyn, Scarlett, Brendan & Adam
Starr, Ace, Daisy, Jenny, Jarilyn, Dawn, Scarlett & Tara
Fondue night...yum yum!
Kids in the bouncer - this is how we put them to bed each night, bouncer then bed. Amanda, Jarilyn, Brendan, Ace & Jayden
Scarlett loved the water...her first time on the beach
Ace & Scarlett - Cory put the kids to sleep on the beach while Starr was waterskiing...so cute!
View of Mable Lake - our family beach photo