This has been our 'home sweet home' since the beginning of May.
I can't believe how much I actually liked living in our camper!

Things we got used to while living in a camper:
- waiting for the water to heat us if you want to shower or wash dishes
- not much room, that's obvious
- dirty feet
- the kids clothes were kept in plastic drawer units
- it's loud when it rains/storms
- mice & critters...only had two so far
- wind
- wood ticks
- quick showers
- no telephone, only cell phones
- no internet
- dishwashing is done the 'old fashioned' way

Bonuses of living in a camper:
- There's usually other campers to visit and play with
- a marshmallow roast & smores are possible within moments
- feel much closer to nature and have a chance to enjoy the outdoors
- there's usually a ball game to watch
- beautiful landscape
- jiffy pop...need I say more?
- utility bills are on hold
- urges you to get some great fresh air
- it brought our family closer together
It was a great way to spend our summer of 2008 in our
Home Sweet Camper!