After months of being behind in updating my blog, I am finally caught up! Yeah!
I apologize that this blog has sort of become a site for updating on our new home, but working on the house itself doesn't really leave much time for anything else! It definitely consumes alot of our time and will be worth it in the end. Thanks for still visiting my blog, I appreciate your loyalty.
The end of November brings us to a good stage in the building process. Exterior is finished, electrical is complete, plumbing is almost complete & we're dry walling the ceilings on the interior. Sure we'd like to be ahead a bit more, but it is what it is (as Dee-Ann would say). Our tentative move-in date is pushed to March now, might even change again. But still, 11 months to build your dream home...isn't too shabby. We are looking forward to seeing the interior come together in this next few months, it will be great to see the drywall up and the rooms come together.
I know it's a cliche to say, but Cory has really been 'my rock' through this whole building process. It has really pushed us to many limits and tested our patience. Cory manages to keep his cool and whenever I ask, 'so what's the next step'...he reminds me 'it's all under control'. Considering he's only 33 years old, his wide array of carpentry skills are stellar and his willingness to learn & take on new things amazes me.

Cory's dream shower took a while to install, but is now complete.

Electrical...just did our final electrical walk-thru on Friday, looking good.

Lots of wires in the basement.

Ginormous electrical panel.

All the furnace room equipment is ready to be installed.

In-floor heat is ready to be hooked up to the boiler.

Cory actually ran all the water-lines with his helper in the house after some quick training from our plumber.