August 10, 2007


The other day, I was sent for my first Mammogram at the age of 30! I had found a lump and the doctors wanted it checked out. I was first sent for a breast ultrasound and then a mammogram. The radiologist was amazing, she was so informative about things to watch for with breast cancer. It turned out to be nothing (a non-cancerous fibrous lump), but it sure made me think about life differently! I am so thankful for everyone & everything in my life...and for being leading a well balanced life. Sorry if I alarmed anyone, but I just had to share....oh and by the way, it didn't hurt at all!

I'm going to take a little while to relax & have fun, so I will be back blogging in a week or so. Until then...take care and here's a little quote for you:

Simple things allow you to slow down and enjoy life!


Unknown said...

Hi Starr, I am glad to hear that it wasn't anything to worry about. I can't imagine what you went through waiting to find out. Big hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Starr, I'm glad that all is well. Have a great week.