February 01, 2008

January...A Month To Organize!

My month of January has been spent organizing. Since our move to Saskatchewan is coming up in 4-5 short months, it is time for us to create some order and pare-down everything in our lives. I've come across a few valuable tools in the organizing world that have made such a difference:

- Memory Dock planner: I've used this new planner for just a month and already love it! Keeping all my notes, to-do lists and calendar in one spot is really working for me...instead of having them scattered everywhere. It also has sections to sketch scrapbook pages, journal, and a photo planner...it has all the classic features of a planner with fresh twist. One of my favorite parts is the convenient shopping list with meal planner. I took this photo today to place in the front panel window of my planner to personalize it.

- Organized & Inspired Scrapbooker class with Wendy Smedley at Big Picture Scrapbooking (I have also signed up for Library of Memories starting February 28th). It may sound funny, but I've always tried to store my things in cute bins, baskets, jars, etc. but they have never really worked out in the end. This class helps you discover the way you create and then helps to customize your space accordingly. There's lots of cool projects, transcripts to listen to on your iPod, message boards, links, etc. The class began January 3rd and continues through till the end of March...if you've missed the class, here's the book that goes hand & hand with it.
- Organizing For Your Brain Type book: this book allowed Cory & I to discover that we are COMPLETE opposites when it comes to organizing...I mean, you can't get any more opposite than us in this sense. We both took the 50 question quiz, Cory turned out to be front-left brained, called Prioritizing style and I turned out to be posterior-right brained, called Harmonizing style.
If you have a helpful organizing tip, I would love to hear it. We can all use ways to simplify our lives so that we have time for the more important things.

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