In one short month, my 30th year on this great earth will end. I will then become '31'.
I will officially be in my 30's
I have been wanting to join the ranks of the popular 'picture a day' journals and thought this would be a way to commemorate this magical year of change, growth & exploration.
Starting today, March 22nd 2008, I resolve to take and share one photo a day between now and my birthday, April20th. I will take photos of things I love, things I live with, things I see, things I deal with, things I do...a month in the life so-to-speak. I will do my best to try to branch out and make these photos celebration and acceptance of the state of my life in this time. Thanks Pebbles for this wonderful idea.
Ready. Set...
'Pigtails'You seldom catch Scarlett with anything in her hair...she usually takes it out within minutes. Today she did great...with pigtails! I snapped a couple of shots before they came out in the car on the way home from Easter dinner at Gramma & Grampas.
Cousin Autumn was great at helping out with these two this afternoon.