December 26, 2008

Boxing Day Toboggan Party

Who doesn't love tobogganing in Saskatchewan?
We had just the right amount of snow & the temperature finally warmed up so we could enjoy some sledding.  Dad & Mom pulled us all up the hill with the Kubota, which definitely beat walking.
Get your snow pants on kiddies
Christa, Ace & Kelby
Christa & Zoe (Amber's room mate & her daughter)
There were field mice running in these hills
Our puppy Piper had fun chasing them and catching one (gross)
Christa F, Amber, Sydney & Kyra
We needed something to take the chill off...
Some hot chocolate hit the spot
It was a bit too hot...the cups had to cool off in the snow

The "Christa's"
Warming up in the van

Unfortunately our day didn't end so well, Dad gave me a push down the hill and tore the soft tissue in his forearm.  Him & Mom had to leave the party early as they went to get Dad's arm x-rayed at the hospital.  We were all glad to hear it could have been worse.

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