Another Uninvited Guest
After family supper tonight we arrived back at the Little Winter Cottage where we found another SNAKE! The kids (of course) wanted to keep it as a pet and obviously Cory & I said 'NO'! It's a good thing we're moving in less than two weeks.
I have no idea how you are able to sleep at night! I would have moved into your parents place 2 minutes after that first snake showed itself.
I totally agree with Jenny...I was going to say the same thing. I would have been gone, possibly back to Calgary when the first snake came in. What kind are they? The one that froze sure looks BIG...yikes...you are much braver than I!
The snakes are called 'garder snakes' and they are harmless. But still GROSS! The two we have seen in the past few weeks were babies...still GROSS again!
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