January 30, 2010


The two biggest Calgary Flames fans I know....Cory & Dee-Ann.

Thanks to these two, we were invited out for dinner & a hockey game...just when I thought we wouldn't get a date night in for January. Thanks so much guys for treating us to the game (and to Shelby for babysitting). We had a blast and it felt like old times.

We actually owe these guys and the entire Chibry family for re-arranging their schedule for the weekend to accommodate our last minute trip to Calgary. Even though our trip wasn't for happy reasons, these guys really went out of their way to make us comfortable, we had a good visit.
Felt great being in the 'Dome' again!
Love the sound of the puck and the smell of the ice in this arena.

And to top it all off, it was a really great game!

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