April 17, 2010


The wine was Pinot Grigio at wine club tonight, hosted by my friend Lian. The food & conversation was great. I enjoyed smelling the wines while the ladies taste tested them...amazing what you can pick up on when you rely on smell instead of taste.

The concensus voted 2008 BOLLA from Italy to be the #1 Pinot Grigio of the night. It was aromatic (fruity) & flavorful, had a bolder taste than the others and a nice finish. And only $12 a bottle...great for summer dinner parties! I think I'll be purchasing some to enjoy after baby #3 arrives this summer.

Lian served...
Spinach Salad with Mandarins,
Green Beans with Toasted Pine Nuts
Sesame Noodle Casserole
Lightly Breaded Salmon
A delicious meal!!!
Followed by Mascarpone Tarts with Saskatoon Berries...Mmmmm!
Lian is a great host...this is the second time she's wined & dined us.

A few people pics: Jocelyn & Trinette
Me & Michelle
Lian & Kendra

An awesome night...that lasted till 2:30 for us all. At least I won't have the hangover that usually accompanies a night of wine club.

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