It was such a treat to go away for the day to see this movie
with my girlfriends Christy, Michelle, Jocelyn & Channy
(thanks Channy for taking this photo). We are all true fans
of the show and it was so special to have this experience with them!
We headed to Minot, ND (the closest place showing this flick)
and had a day of girl talk, shopping, Starbucks & fun. We even
had our own little adventure getting back to Canada...missed the
border closing by 5 minutes and then having to drive to a 24-hour
port to get back thru, almost running out of gas and taking
backroad shortcuts to save time.
We all enjoyed the movie! I loved seeing the girls back together
again, the fashion, getting my Aiden fix & how real life the plot
was. There were so many things I could relate to in this movie.
Already thinking of seeing it again when it comes closer...
with the girls of course!