August 15, 2010

Trial Run

Shortly after this photo was taken at the Battle of the Bands event in Oxbow on Saturday night, we went for a trial run to have the baby in Estevan.

The baby was dancing all night to the music, we went home around 1am and headed to bed. At 2:30 I woke up not feeling right, having contractions and made the call to the first family member who could make it over to stay with the kids. My sister Christa & her husband Corey were over within 5 minutes, great timing since they were just leaving the dance.

We made it to Estevan in good time...realized half-way we forgot the camera, can you imagine ME of all people forgot the camera!!! We buzzed into the quiet dim hospital and went to obstetrics. The nurse was amazing, she monitored me and sure enough I was having contractions...just little ones. After half an hour nothing else was happening and we decided to go home. My body is definitely getting ready for this baby's arrival, just tonight wasn't the night. I felt so much better that I went in to get checked, especially with my history of the way Scarlett entered the world, I'm a bit paranoid we won't make it to the hospital.

Cory was happy to get a Tim Hortons coffee on the way home & I snoozed. We made it back by 5am. Needless to say, we were very tired the next morning...just getting us prepared for the sleepless nights ahead!

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