March 29, 2007

~ Taco Night ~

Hola! Tonight I was stumped for dinner ideas; when that happens I usually make tacos. I spiced things up by adding our Mexican blanket for a tablecloth and displayed the taco toppings in cute little bowls. I thought that by making it a bit of a fun & fancy meal that our 'picky eater' Ace would eat...and he did much better than he normally does. And Scarlett had sour cream head-to-toe (straight into a bath for her). Cory thought I had surprise tickets to Mexico or something...unfortunately that wasn't the case, I wish. It was a great family meal!

1 comment:

Dee- said...

So cute Starr...what awesome memories you are creating for your children! It looked like it was excelente! Bravo! (all my spanish has been learned from Dora!)