Our friends, the Macdonalds, hosted a dinner party for a few of our Calgary friends. It was a great evening, thanks so much guys!
Kelly & I...she was one of the first Calgary friends I made 12 years ago

Scott, Ross & Cory

Shelby & Dee-Ann

Shelby, Anderson, Dee-Ann & Jenny

Jackie, Scarlett & Ace

Auntie Kim & Ace

The best part of the evening was meeting these babies:
Cory & baby Anderson (Adam & Jenny's son)

Kim & baby Tianna (Ross & Kelly's daughter)

Don't you just love Tianna's hat

Jenny's lemon poppyseed cake

and Jenny's brownies...both a hit for dessert

Adam & Jackie

Jenny & I

Me & Kim...and her baby belly

It was so nice to see everyone, meet the babies and check out Ross & Kelly's newly renovated beautiful home!