We travelled to Medicine Hat to spend some time with The Allans for their Annual Weekend of Fun. Pieter & Dawn are amazing at hosting this event. Below are Dawn's parents after they clothed everyone with the appropriate team attire.

There were approximately 50 guests.

Our travelling gnome came with us for the trip.

Cotton candy, a hit with they kids, especially Daisy & Scarlett who ate 4 in a row.

Games for the kiddies.

Horse shoes for the adults, here's Shannon making a shot.

The horse shoe champions.

Candy toss for the kids, here's Amanda & Nicole with their loot.

Ace after a successful bug hunt.

Rob, Jane (Pieter's Mom), Pieter & Paul.

Shannon, me & Rob.

That evening Pieter decided to throw a whole wooden wall onto the fire, crazy guy.

It evacuated us from our relaxing lawn chairs since it was so BIG!

Pieter & Dennis with their wishbone stick...and Chris watching/laughing off to the side.