March 17, 2010

2010 St. Patrick's Day Party

The kids were lucky to be invited to Rhett & Griffin's St. Patrick's Day party today. Their Mom Missy is an amazing themed party planner, I knew it would be a memorable party for the kids to attend.
Rhett & Missy above, Griffin below...dressed appropriately for the party.
Sadie enjoying a shamrock cookie.
Ace loved these lime green jello cups!
Missy did an amazing job, especially on the fun green food items for the kiddos.
All green veggie platter...
Shamrock sugar cookies...
Rainbow cupcakes...

Ace & Scarlett had a wonderful time at the party. After snacks, we all headed to the backyard to make rainbows in the snow with multi-colored water much fun! We were sent home with goodie bags full of Lucky Charms & chocolate coins...and even the Mommies were given a lucky scratch ticket. Thanks so much for the invite guys, it was an amazing party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope I didn't send your kids home with GREEN teeth;) I had FUN! MH