I was having mixed emotions about going away this weekend to a Scrapbook Retreat. But once I was on the road, I had such a relaxed feeling and knew it would be so good for me. I got on the highway to travel to Kenossee Lake (about an hour away) and loved the gorgeous sunset I was privileged to see. It made me think I was so lucky to have a sweet husband to take care of all three kids this weekend, even with Coco only being 8 weeks old. I was pretty sad to be leaving Coco especially since she's still nursing. But on the other hand I was glad I booked this trip months ago, for seeing how much a good break would relax me and take me back to my family fresh again.
After I arrived and got unpacked I began working on Monday Night Class kits. I haven't scrapbooked or crafted in a while and I remembered how much I miss it and enjoy it. I was looking forward to a weekend of productive creating among great ladies!!!

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