This word sums up our whole year ahead. We'll be focusing on...Building our future in Oxbow, Building our dream home, Building relationships with family & friends, Building a healthy body, I want to Build my stamping/scrapbooking/photography career into more of a business, Build a nurturing environment for our children, and continue to Build a balanced life.
I'll be making a collage to keep on our bulletin board; throughout the year I'll be adding to it with magazine clippings, inspirational quotes and photos to keep us focused & inspired if we ever stray from our goal. I was so impressed that my husband was on-board to do this with me, we choose the word together for our year and committed to it as a team.
If you have a word of the year, I'd love to hear it...please leave a comment with your word of the year.
Happy new owners of our lot
Our new street
Our new street...in the winter
The big tree...frosty
Our new home we proudly designed
It's official, we have a box number
Photo taken East of Oxbow on the Forsyth farm during the holidays...it was absolutely beautiful throughout the town with all the frost.